Questions & Answers
Should I eat before having a colonic?
Since your abdomen will be massaged, it is a good idea to eat or drink lightly in the two hours immediately preceding colon therapy
What can I expect afterwards?
Most likely, you will feel great. You will feel lighter and enjoy a sense of well-being. Any activity you would ordinarily do, such as work or exercise is fine. For some, the Colon Hydrotherapy may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours; but they are usually not anything uncontrollable, urgent or uncomfortable.
I have been told that for the most benefit, one needs to "take a series" of Colon Hydrotherapy. What does that mean, and is it true?
A "series" of treatments is usually 3 performed within 5-7 days. If you are new to colon hydrotherapy or it has been 9 mths since having a treatment, the "series of 3" is recommended. Especially in the case of an individual who has never had a treatment, there are years and years of fecal waste built up in the colon that is most likely causing some health concern. Only with 3 treatments do you to have the opportunity to reach the farthest end of the Colon, which is the Cecum area. Once a client starts out with this series, a regimen can be determined for the future, depending upon a clients concerns. Some may need to maintain monthly visits, some possibly seasonally
How often should I have a colonic?
Everyone has different needs. After your initial visit, you can discuss with the therapist’s guidance as to how many and how often you might want to schedule sessions.We generally recommend at least doing a series of 3 colonics to appreciate what colonics can do for your body. Some people initially need a series or more to get the colon functioning well. Regular clients may have maintenance colonics from once a month to once every three months.
Is colon hydrotherapy painful?
No it isn't! Many people say the sessions are easier and more relaxing than they thought they might be. Following our dietary guidelines 36-48 hours prior to your colonic is a good way to avoid potential discomfort.
How long does a colonic take?
The first session at Embrace Health is 90 minutes. This includes an initial meeting with the colon therapist during which the two of you will review your health history and goals. We explain the process step by step and answer any questions you might have regarding the colonic. The colonic itself can last anywhere from 30-50 minutes. Afterwards we sit down with you and provide a general assessment of the session and give you an opportunity to ask any further questions. We offer individualized recommendations based on your session. How many more (if any) colonics or what kind of program you might need can be discussed at this time. Follow up colonic sessions are booked by the hour although you will be receiving the actual colonic for 30-50 minutes.
If I get too many, will the colon stop functioning on its own? Is colon hydrotherapy habit-forming?
Colon therapy is a tool intended to be used to create a clean and healthy colon. Our fulfillment comes from assisting you in healing your colon, not in making you dependent upon colon therapy. Actually, one of its better features is that colon therapy can actually be used to tone the colon muscle so the colon performs at its optimal level.
Can I have a colonic if I am pregnant?
Yes, if you are between 3-6 months pregnant. The chances of miscarriage are highest during the first trimester, so it is best to play it safe. As the pregnancy progresses, increased progesterone may slow peristalsis so constipation may ensue. Colonics may help with this. However, after 6 months, colonics may induce premature labor and too much fluid in the membranes surrounding the fetus may put pressure on the diaphragm and cause extreme discomfort. Please discuss this with your therapist if you have any concerns!
How soon after the childbirth can I have a colonic? Can I have one while I am nursing?
Wait at least 6 weeks to heal and recover from childbirth before having a colonic. You can have a colonic while you are nursing. If you are coming in because of constipation, a colonic is much better than a laxative. You don’t want your baby to feel the effects of a laxative, and everything you consume orally will pass through the breast milk.
I've heard that I shouldn't get colon hydrotherapy because it upsets the electrolyte balance. Is this true?
Electrolytes are minerals in the body (mainly sodium and potassium salts) that maintain the proper electrical charge and pH balance (acid and alkalinity balance) in the various organs and tissues of the body. The stomach, for example, should maintain an acidic pH, while the duodenum (first part of the small intestine) should be alkaline (basic) in order for proper digestion to occur. If this balance is disrupted, then digestion will be impaired.
The pH electrical balance in the colon is very near neutral, ideally being slightly acidic. A strong acid or alkaline environment is not necessary because digestion does not take place in the colon. Rather, a major function of the colon is to reabsorb the fluid and electrolytes from the unformed stool that is moving into the colon from the small intestine. After the fluid and electrolytes are reabsorbed and stool is formed, the colon moves the stool into the rectum and out of the body. The majority of the material released during colon therapy, is formed stool that has already had the fluid and electrolytes removed from it, so the amount lost is very minimal and easily replaced by the body from the food and fluid we ingest.
Some people say that colon hydrotherapy washes out the intestinal flora and valuable nutrients. Is this so?
The truth is that the washing out of putrefied material in the large intestine, which is only partially reached in any colon irrigation, increases the good intestinal flora. Good bacteria can only breed in a clean environment that has been washed free of putrefaction and its accompanying harmful bacteria. That is why the intestines of a newborn baby immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora. Each time you clean out the putrefying "garbage" and make a better environment for the flora, they start to multiply immediately in their natural media.
With this in mind, it is a good idea to supplement with good intestinal bacteria after a colon cleanse or series of colon therapy treatments so that colonization can take place in a healthier medium, i.e. the intestinal mucosa. Prevention is much easier by assisting your colon in maintaining healthy bacteria rather than waiting until bad bacteria have changed the environment of the colon to an unhealthy state.
Will I lose weight?
You will lose waste. Ridding the body of excess waste helps your body to metabolize more efficiently. You will become more conscious of what foods you are putting into your body and how your body processes those foods . I have seen many clients improve their diet and exercise regime when they start having colonics.
What effect does Colon Hydrotherapy have on our immune systems?
The removal of stagnant waste material and hardened, impacted toxic residue, could rejuvenate the immune tissue that resides in the intestines. Recent European studies show that 80% of immune tissue resides in the intestines. Colon Hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, but an important adjunctive therapy in the overall health care of the patient.
What can I eat after have a colon therapy treatment?
What we suggest is that you eat a moderate amount of food that is gentle to your system and nourishing to you. Just as it doesn't make sense to get your car washed and then immediately drive it through mud, eating a meal known to cause trouble in your abdomen directly after getting colon therapy, isn't an intelligent choice. Green leafy salads, vegetable soups, vegetable broth, fruit and fruit juices, and vegetable juices are the best choice.
How will I know when the colon is empty?
It will probably never be empty, as it is an organ in continuous use. As more of the old, impacted material is released you will actually feel the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective ought not to be an empty colon, but rather a well-functioning colon.
Is Colon Hydrotherapy covered by my medical insurance?
Check with your provider, some health insurance company do cover this treatment when there is a qualifying medical condition.